Landscape Garden Design Tips for Small Gardens

garden designs for small gardens

garden designs for small gardensHere at Gardenforce our Landscape garden designers want to help you create your dream garden. However, we know that when space is at a premium it can be hard work to get the garden design that you want. If done wrong, a small garden can feel cramped, cluttered and unappealing, but that needn’t be the case. In this article we’ve shared with you a few of our top tips for making the most of the space you have and making your small garden feel bigger than it actually is.

5 garden design tips for small gardens

Make a plan before you start

Half of the work is done before you lay a single slap or plant a single seed. Spend time creating a clear idea in your head of your garden will look, utilising the space you have to the maximum. Rushing into your garden design or making it up as you go along is an easy way to come unstuck.

Think vertical

When space is at a premium, whether it be in a city or your back garden, the logical step is to this vertically. Using tall, narrow plants breaks up the picture and distracts the eye from the lack of ground space. Placing soft lighting behind tall plants can add another dimension to your garden.

Divide garden up into three areas

Just because your garden is small, doesn’t mean it needs to be monotonous. Divide your garden into three distinct areas, to add depth and interest to the space. For example you could have a shady sitting area at one end, and a set of stepping stones at the other.

Use diagonals, angles and asymmetry

If your garden is a straightforward square or rectangle shape try adding a variety of angles and asymmetric features to disguise the uninteresting shape. Creating an interesting route through your garden can be one way of doing this, using a winding path or set of stones to soften the straight lines.
Use layers

Similar to the ‘think vertical’ point, adding a variety of layers to your small garden is another of keeping it interesting. Different levels can be added with decking, railway sleepers being an easy material to work with.

Gardenforce- Expert landscape garden designers in Rotherham

For expert help constructing your dream garden, get in touch with our landscape designers who’d be happy to speak to about any work you’re considering having done.