March has arrived and spring and summer are slowly on their way. There are many things you can do in your garden during March to maintain and prepare it for the coming months.
- Before spring hits full swing, plant any new bulbs and flowers so they are ready to bloom in the following weeks after. If you are a fan of roses, now is the best time to plant them
- Continue to feed plants and flowers with food and, where possible, fertilisers
- Conifers and hedges should have been planted in the winter months to allow grow time, but you can still plant trees and shrubs. Remember to maintain and prune the ones you have already
- If you made a plan of how you want to change the look of your garden in the winter, you can now make a start on it. Dig out ponds, lay turf and plan patios and seating areas
- Any bulbs you bought to plant in the spring can now be potted up. Whilst in your greenhouse you can also transfer sprouted bulbs and seeds to larger pots
- For vegetable growers, potatoes, peas, lettuce and carrots can now be planted
- Remove dead flower heads from plants and dead branches from trees, shrubs and hedges
- Do a spring clean of the garden! Rake leaves, clean patios, sheds and greenhouses and lawn furniture
- Maintain garden tools to ensure they are ready for use.
- Use a good grass feed so it will be green and full for summer!
We provide gardening services all year round and can help and advise you on any of these tips. You can send us questions using the Contact Us tab, or call 07963 782 219 (daytime number) 01709 801 075 (evening number)